Pizza Making Class
Date: 24 Jan 2010 (Sunday)
Time: 10.30am - 3pm
Type: Semi Hands-on
Fee: RM180.00 ( 50% discount for confirmed Meridian customers)
1) Phyllo Pizza
2) Pizza Dough
3) Fresh Herbs Pizza Sauce
4) Rosemary Chicken Pizza
5) Margarita Pizza
6) Trio Mushroom Pizza
7) Fresh Herbs and Chili Bread

Cupcake Decoration Class
Date: 31 Jan 2010 (Sunday)
Time: 10.30am - 2.30pm
Type: Semi Hands-on
Fee: RM140.00 ( 50% discount for confirmed Meridian customers )
1) Chocolate Chips Cupcakes
2) Buttercream
3) Fondant
4) Decoration
To register, please email to applekitchen@gmail.com or contact/sms Melinda at 012 640 9809.
For details of Melinda Soon's other classes, click http://myapplekitchen.blogspot.com
We appreciate if you could bring along your own food container for takeaways.
Cancellation Policy: Payment must accompany all reservations. Class cancellations are accepted and a credit for other replacement classes will be given if notification is received 7 days prior to scheduled class. If you cannot attend, you may send a substitute in your place. No refund will be given in cash. Cancellations made fewer than 7 days before the class date are non-refundable. All classes are subject to minimum and maximum enrollments. In the event that Apple Kitchen cancels the class due to instructor illness or minimal enrollment, students will be notified by phone and e-mail. In that event, you may choose to transfer credit to another class or to accept a full refund.
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