Saturday, July 28, 2012

Contemporary Kitchen Sinks

  How to choose kitchen sink 

stainless steel kitchen sink

The most common are stainless steel kitchen sinks. Until recently this was the preferred material for the production and because we used to think that the kitchen sink you should be. However, if your kitchen is in classic style, cold metal is not suitable and will not combine well with the furniture. Their main advantage is the possibility that selection of a suitable color. The kitchen sink material is acid resistant and prevents formation of spots on the surface, while the stainless steel sinks are smudge easily.

 Kitchen sink

kitchen sink
Select base model kitchen sink. Depending on how mount the sinks are divided primarily on board and incorporated. The first completely cover the cabinet, on which are mounted, and the latter be incorporated. Typically, each base model there are variations - with or without opening the battery, the trap location, etc. Select the format of the sink and appropriate location and the area around it. Think of the cabinets and your position when using it. If you have a dishwasher or you foresee such is do not need to buy unnecessarily large modern kitchen sink.

  Kitchen sink

kitchen sink

Before you purchase, according to the size of the kitchen sink with cabinet over which 'll mount. Remember that when the sink is full of utensils and water, and weight increased significantly. This sink is a compromise that will have to comply when washing dishes in volume as pots and pans.In conclusion, we say that the kitchen sink must be functional and comfortable. Compromise with the size and quality is not recommended, but expensive and unnecessary kitchen sink is not a good choice. Once you bought the modern kitchen sink, strictly follow the instructions for installation and use.

 Kitchen sink

contemporary kitchen sink

  Contemporary kitchen sink

contemporary kitchen sink

 Kitchen sink

kitchen sink

Friday, July 27, 2012

Great Outdoor Kitchen Ideas

Outdoor kitchen

outdoor kitchen

Outdoor kitchen is perfect place, where you can cook otuside and breate resh air. Also, you can spend more time with your family. This need not be fearful of investment funds. You can do with materials at hand. It is important to examine these in advance where you would be conveniently located to the outside kitchen and what are the characteristics of the terrain, which have. And be sure to accurately answer the question - what is the main purpose of your outdoor kitchen? If you prefer to cook very light and quick meals and to use it mainly to communicate with friends and to welcome many guests, outdoor kitchen is best to forecast when planning a bar and a place where you can store drinks and glasses. If you love to cook and want to cook for many people, in the meantime you communicate with them, you can position the oven and grill in the center of the outdoor kitchen and about to order panels and chairs.

 Outdoor kitchen

outdoor kitchen

Perhaps you are lucky from whose outdoor kitchen will be located under a shelter made already? No? Then it will probably your biggest expense - to cover the kitchen. Do not forget that the main idea and the charm of the summer outdoor kitchen are close to nature. So better forget about some concrete structures. It is preferable to use natural materials. Think of the floor.  Once you've got a place where is located the outdoor kitchen, consider kitchen equipment. Must decide whether to mount a sink, not because it is convenient to apace to house, to wash dishes or your hands. You can order cabinets to fit exactly to your chosen location, but may use the old cabinets that are painted in cheerful colors and shelves made by you personally. It is about to leave the sink two small worktop on which to place items and containers to cook food. Allow room for your cooking utensils . Think about where you can "hide" the refrigerator. Already sold and those that are specifically designed for summer outdoor kitchen, but feel free to put in the old cabinet, small refrigerator, which no longer use at home.

Outdoor kitchen

outdoor kitchen design

Many experts say that the entire area of the outdoor kitchen should be organized around the stove or barbecue. If you plan to cook mostly there in the summer, it should comply with the recommendation. When you have the oven / barbecue, consider the fire safety of surrounding surfaces and objects. Must anticipate and appropriate outdoor lighting, best locally - over the stove, sink, dining table and above the desktop.This kitchen to make cooking fun and relaxation in the whole family. Outdoor kitchen is perfect choice for the style of your garden and house.

 Outdoor kitchen

outdoor kitchen

 Outdoor kitchen

outdoor kitchen

 Outdoor kitchen

outdoor kitchen

 Outdoor kitchen

outdoor kitchen

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Ultra Modern Spherical Kitchen by Sheer

Ultra modern spherical kitchen

ultra modern spherical kitchen

Spherical kitchen is made from stainless steel, and it is the product by the company Sheer gives you all the gear that you need to cook, wash and clean, like a double sink, cooking hob with four nozzles hidden leaf - all it brought in diameter of 148 cm, making spherical kitchen an ideal proposal for residential areas with limited amounts. Today's consumers have high demands on quality of workmanship as well as the stylistic design of all products for furniture and equipment, and controlled by remote control spherical kitchen made of stainless steel, enriched with carbon, which serves as muted lighting, where in closed set is ranked in their rating.

Ultra modern spherical kitchen

ultra modern spherical kitchen
The equipment ultra modern spherical kitchen includes the container and three chilling wine and champagne, equipped with aluminum shutters for greater practicality and convenience, while strikes hours party. Besides all these benefits with this great "island in the kitchen" and receive a central lamp and extractor.

Ultra modern spherical kitchen

ultra modern spherical kitchen

Monday, July 23, 2012

Feng Shui Kitchen Ideas

Feng Shui Kitchens
feng shui kitchen ideas

Feng Shui Kitchen

The ancient teaching feng shui (translated - wind and water) is to demand a balance between humans and the environment in which he lives. According to feng shui the living space should be organized so as to optimize human activity, while creating conditions vital energy to recover daily.The feng shui kitchen is the center of living in one apartment and according to feng shui symbolizes health and prosperity. The arrangement of furniture is essential for this basic premise. The emphasis is on the site of the stove / oven, symbolizing food.

feng shui kitchen ideas

Feng Shui Kitchen

Stove / oven must be positioned so that the man who cooks, to see the whole room. It should not interfere or be surprised to not miss out, spilled or broke something or not to make a mistake in cooking. According to feng shui the kitchen oven should not be in a corner because this chef will be limited in movement, in their freedom. The basic rule is water and fire do not mix. Therefore, stove, refrigerator and tap must be located diagonally and never to each other. According to feng shui the kitchen oven should not be against the window because the view can also distract the cook, hence the positive energy that he embodies, and its activity to "leak" out.

feng shui kitchen ideas

Feng Shui Kitchen

Color solutions in the feng shui kitchen are crucial. The colors are presented primarily through the floor and ceiling, since most walls - often covered by the kitchen cabinets and appliances.Wood flooring is indispensable because embody the close relationship with the land and carries the spirit of tradition. For the floor of a relatively large room, choose earth tones or the color of fire. Plain color pastel colors are ideal for - small rooms, for large scale optical space. The feng shui kitchen allows decorative painting (by brush, sponge, etc.).The ideal way to bring color to your feng shui kitchen is through crockery, window frame or sill to the floor. Ideal accent color is the bowl of fruit on the kitchen table.

Feng Shui Kitchen

Combination blue - white is very appropriate for a feng shui kitchen. This is a classic combination, and is also traditional for the Chinese potter's art. White cabinets "illuminate" the room and symbolize purity and order, while blue symbolizes knowledge - a very important aspect of culinary arts.Feng shui in the kitchen allowed to have more out of everyday objects - knives, pots, pans, avalanche, pottery and uncooked food - beans, rice, etc., in transparent containers.Preparation of a balanced diet and use of natural products in the feng shui kitchen helping hand to achieve inner balance and quality of life among residents of the home.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Minimalist Kitchens Design

Minimalist Kitchen Design

minimalist kitchen design

Minimalist Kitchen

The main characteristics are lightness and minimalist kitchen trim achieved through colorless surfaces, clean lines and perfect proportions. Brown and beige are included in the palette of minimalist kitchen colors, but the prevailing gray, black and white. The main materials are wood, glass, chrome, marble stairs and counter tops for a meal.

minimalist kitchen design

Minimalist Kitchen

The perfect minimalist kitchen design is achieved using a single color and linear forms.All minimalist kitchen cabinets are made of white laminate. Among them stand alone glass windows and cabinet handles from anodized aluminum profile, which is the same color as the appliances.Used is full height on which have their place refrigerator and freezer and integrated oven and automatic cooling water.Eternity is achieved between the minimalist kitchen area and other minimalist living space.

minimalist kitchen design

Minimalist Kitchen

minimalist kitchen design

Minimalist Kitchen

minimalist kitchen design

Minimalist Kitchen

Friday, July 20, 2012

Black and White Kitchen

Black White and Red Kitchen

black and white kitchen

Black and White Kitchen

Black and white kitchens look very modern and certainly very timely, but sometimes they are too cold and pretentious.If you think so, you could add a third color that will not break the modern vision, but will make the modern kitchen brighter and fresher.Red may be the best solution for this.The kitchen  is a perfect example of a beautiful combination of black, white and red kitchen cabinets.Red is not leading, but amazingly he puts the emphasis on detail in this contemporary kitchen.By adding a few red appliances and decorative accessories you could get a modern kitchen with a stylish and modern design.

black white and red kitchen

Black White and Red Kitchen

black white and red kitchen

Black White and Red Kitchen

black white and red kitchen

Black White and Red Kitchen

black and white kitchen

Black and White Kitchen

black and white kitchen

Black and White Kitchen

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Modern Small Kitchens


Modern Small Kitchen Design

modern small kitchen design

Small Kitchen
The small kitchen - here's an idea for all who live in a small apartment. Look photos-small kitchen, which is extremely compact and made a very genuine. All parts and appliances for this kitchen together in a circle, they are constructed so that it can rotate depending on your needs. Refrigerator, dishwasher and cabinets vessels arranged in a circle on the lower level, there is a panel above the sink in the modern small kitchen above the second level is called the microwave. There are two rows of kitchen countertops, which can be arranged everything necessary for a normal kitchen - glasses, cans, jars, etc. All this is closed with two sliding doors and if you live in a small apartment and need in a room is the modern small kitchen and living room, this is truly a very unusual, but definitely a practical solution

modern small kitchen design

Small Kitchen

Here's an idea to design small kitchen in the attic. Use any available spaces and niches. To save space, instead of dining table is made countertop .Bright colors in small spaces create a feeling of more space and although the black color in which the furniture of this modern small kitchen, everything looks very elegant and stylish small kitchen.

modern small kitchen design

Small Kitchen

These are pictures of small kitchen , whose projects are used by more people, the modern furniture, modern and functional kitchen. The best thing about small kitchen is an innovative mobile desktop, which slips and reveals a sink, stove, cabinets to store kitchen utensils and products. This great idea for modern small kitchen successfully used by people living in small spaces. As well as working space for cooking, one part of the board can be used for dining table and remain closed when the countertop, the kitchen is becoming a modern kitchen furniture, part of the interior - you can put your computer on it and begins to work.

modern small kitchen design

Small Kitchen

Small Kitchen

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Contemporary Kitchen Islands

Contemporary Kitchen Islands

contemporary kitchen island

Contemporary Kitchen Island

If your kitchen is large enough, could easily afford a contemporary kitchen island. Furthermore, it will be beautiful and stylish addition accent, kitchen island and will provide more usable area. When designing a contemporary kitchen island, should be given the necessary distance between the op-enable cabinets. Depending on the specific needs of the contemporary kitchen island to perform a complementary role as an integral part of the layout of the space being freestanding in the middle or used as a dividing element between the kitchen and dining room.

contemporary kitchen island

Contemporary Kitchen Island
When the contemporary island separates the kitchen from the dining room, it can be developed with two persons, several dynamic levels and to perform more than one function. From the kitchen cabinets can be deep and convenient storage of multiple objects, while daily to the contemporary kitchen island can be formed with open shelves and shelves or covered with opaque or transparent glass.This contemporary kitchen island can become very comfortable and attractive bar with high chairs, favorite for you and your guests seating position. The contemporary kitchen island  can be equipped with a sink, stove, oven, or simply be used as an area of preparing the food cooking. The contemporary kitchen island will stand with all his brilliance only if you provide for appropriate target for additional lighting.

contemporary kitchen  island

Contemporary Kitchen Island

Contemporary Kitchen Island

contemporary kitchen island

Contemporary Kitchen Island

Friday, July 13, 2012

Contemporary Kitchen Designs

Contemporary Kitchen Design

contemporary kitchen design

Contemporary Kitchen Design
The contemporary kitchen is probably the most special part of the home, the place where you feel comfortable, convenient and "elegant" to prepare meals quickly and effectively to "get rid" of waste, dirty utensils and plates. It's easy to be lured by beautiful contemporary kitchen design and imagine how it would match our home. But ultimately the main task that we must solve by choosing a new kitchen design is much more related to its function in it to be exact contemporary kitchen in which everything is convenient and consistent with our requirements and habits.

contemporary kitchen design

Contemporary Kitchen Design
The contemporary kitchen design is "polish" that will "put" our desired configuration and will cause us to enjoy pleasant moments with family and friends to welcome the new day with coffee, play in preparing our dinner ... So the first step we must take before vturnem in the search for "kitchen" is to spend time to make a careful assessment is not what we like in that you use or have used. The easiest and most secure way to achieve this is to prepare your list.

contemporary kitchen design

Contemporary Kitchen Design

Even though it sounds simple or lightly, in fact, worth the effort. Given the real idea of what we need and certainly not what we would like in your new contemporary kitchen, the choice is made easier and the risk of dissipation of the initial enthusiasm in useless wandering and "excesses" in enticing contemporary designs is eliminated.Questions that certainly should not ignore are: necessary area of contemporary kitchen work surfaces, volume and distribution of cabinet storage products, household utensils, the volumes of the refrigerator, freezer, the distances between them, etc.

contemporary kitchen design

Contemporary Kitchen Design

In general may follow some universal rules such as: avoid the chaotic motion, absolutely intentionally broken appliances and cabinets, minimal compromises in favor of contemporary kitchen design and expense of function.The oven can be set aside because it is not used particularly often, while the microwave is more often used, especially if you do not have much time and must be close to optimal "working" part because it is in most cases .Dishwasher, if you anticipate this in their  contemporary kitchen design, it is advisable to cabinet next to where the store utensils, cups and plates, which in turn must be near the dining area during the day;

contemporary kitchen design

Contemporary Kitchen Design

Refrigerator would be most convenient if located to the area for the preparation of products cupboards with dishes and not too far from the dining area.The need for a small table or bar for "quick" meal, breakfast, coffee, afternoon tea, drink also worth considering.Planning of kitchen lighting as an important component of equipment can make your occupation of the contemporary kitchen design not only convenient but also impressive.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

July 2012 - Showroom Renovation Sale. Discounts of 70%

We are clearing off EVERYTHING to make way for our showroom renovation. Find good value buys here with discounts of 70%!


Click here to enlarge this image to see the pricing.